Monday, February 16, 2015

Calligraphy - Getting Started

Calligraphy is such a beautiful form of art. When I stumbled upon an Instagram account that had a feed full of talent, beauty, and inspiration I knew I found something special...that account was Laura Hooper calligraphy. I read through her blog and wandered her site, admiring every bit of it. Lately she's been writing words on macaroons with edible can you not love that?? For months now I see her posts everyday and think of how amazing it is that she created such a beautiful and inspiring business from true talent and devotion to something she loved. Last week, I decided on whim to purchase her starter kit, and if I do say so myself, it was a great decision. 

Way of Life

When combing through craft stores, it's so hard to know what supplies are really good even when searching the internet for reviews. I like to try new things so I don't want to go out and drop a ton of money on something I'd just like to dabble with and find out that it isn't performing the way I hoped. With Laura's starter kit, it's all I hoped for and more. Not only does she supply everything you need including nibs and practice paper, but she also provides instructions and an alphabet. If you've ever thought about wanting to try calligraphy even if it's just a hobby but don't know where to start..I highly recommend getting her starter kit and go from there! And remember, practice makes perfect...oh, and have fun!

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