Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I turned 25 on Saturday. 25?! Yes, 25. I can't believe it, but that happens every year. It's so cliche to say but the years really do fly by. 25 used to sound so old to me, yet here I am and I still act [and look] like a teenager and sometimes younger! [Can never get enough of those classic Disney movies] But with another year, comes hidden gems that you never expected to happen. 

I find that the older I get, the more responsibility I hold, but also some of the greatest events occur. Two of my best friends from home got engaged this year and two of my very close college friends also got engaged! I now have friends all over the world from studying abroad in Australia, friends in California from living in San Diego, and friends all over the east coast from attending Towson University in Maryland. I would never have been able to foresee all the amazing people I've met and gotten close with in life, but that is what makes getting older so great! Embracing your age and knowing that, hey, I can now rent a car! Or, a little more exciting, I get to be a bridesmaid for two of my best friends! I'm rambling, but what I'm trying to say is, even if the number seems old to me [or you] great things have come in my 25 years of living, and it won't stop there...and that is what  is so exciting about birthdays.

Now for some fun snapshots of my 25th bday

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