When your 2 best friends get engaged in the same month,
Want to DIY like I did?
You'll need:
Shirt(s) -- I used Fruit of the Loom men's v-neck shirts
Iron & Ironing board
Flat piece of wood (I used a large cutting board)
Pillow case
Sewing Pins
How to:
Mock-up saying or picture in Word
Print finalized piece on transfer paper (let this dry for 30min)
Cut out design as close to the edges as you can (I made a black text box behind the letter to blend with the shirt so I didn't have to cut out each individual letter)
Place the cut out piece in desired location on shirt (measure from the bottom or shoulder points to center it and align it straight..use pins to mark measurements)
Remove grid backing on transfer paper
Place the design along pins then remove the pins to make ironing easy
Place parchment paper over design
Iron for required amount of time (no steam)
NOTE: Follow directions exactly how the transfer paper states
This description is for the transfer paper I purchased, some could be different.