I'd like to first admit that I'm the world's worst packer. I usually bring 7 different outfits options for a weekend trip one state away. And don't even get me started on the shoes! I'm an indecisive person..scratch that, an extremely indecisive person, so packing is one of the worst tasks I can attempt. I try to do the old, 'plan what you'll wear for each day' but what if that day comes and I don't feel like wearing that....see my problem?
Next week I will be happily on my way to the airport to fly to St. Thomas..one of my bucket list destinations (yay!). My boyfriend and I decided we wanted to do everything very relaxed, with no plans- just island hop, beach, and snorkel every day for 6 days. On that same note, we wanted to keep our luggage light...I was so on board with this when we first discussed it..now I'm getting nervous. So to properly plan and prep for our trip, I am already planning out the ideal pieces I'd want to wear. From the plane, to the hikes, to dinner dates, to the salty goodness of the ocean, here are a few items I'm definitely bringing (all in a carry on, I might add).

Now keep in mind..we will honestly spend everyday on a beach and in the ocean. USVI and BVI are very casual at all times of the day. There are a handful of restaurants that maybe don't allow flip flops and require men to wear long pants during dinner, but most locals say they consistently wear shorts. The constant relaxed vibe made planning what outfits I will bring that much easier.
Packing List:
2 maxi dresses
1 mini shift dress
1 maxi skirt
4 tank tops
2 short sleeve shirts
1 chambray button up
1 hoodie
2 cover up shorts
2 cutoff shorts
1 pair of flip flops
1 pair of nicer sandals
1 pair of Nike sneakers (light weight)
ACCESSORIES: GoPro, Victoria Secret Pink Backpack (doubles as my second carry on and beach bag), small cross over purse (for when we do go out to dinner or walk around towns), sunglasses (be sure to bring your case!), sarong, hat, headphones, iPod, passport, minimal makeup, travel toiletries